Service Spotlight: Environmental Compliance

From the restoration of a surface mine along the Mississippi to the extension of a natural gas pipeline in Kentucky, Lord & Winter specializes in helping industries navigate the complex landscape of environmental regulations. Every operation faces unique compliance challenges, and our expertise ensures that businesses meet their environmental responsibilities while streamlining the permitting and construction process to achieve shorter time to construction and lower cost of mitigation. 

Our Services

  • Air Quality Management – We develop and implement strategies to monitor and reduce air emissions, ensuring compliance with federal and state air quality standards. 
  • Water Quality Protection – Our team designs and manages systems to treat and monitor wastewater, safeguarding water resources and meeting regulatory requirements. 
  • Environmental Impact Assessments – Our experts evaluate the potential environmental effects of ongoing industrial activities and propose mitigation strategies to minimize negative impacts, allowing clients to streamline permitting and reduce project delays. 
  • Chemical Safety – Our services include risk assessments and the development of safety protocols to manage chemical hazards within industrial settings. 
  • Endangered Species Protection – We conduct assessments to ensure industrial operations do not adversely affect local wildlife, particularly protected species, helping to avoid impact and reduce potential mitigation costs. 
  • Hazardous Waste Management – We provide solutions for the safe handling, storage, and disposal of hazardous materials, minimizing environmental impact and liability.
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Project Highlights

Our team assisted a surface mining company with environmental compliance, including water quality protection, to restart operations at an existing 252-acre, inactive surface mine located along Mississippi Mile Marker 71.5. We also managed the necessary environmental permit applications and transfers, streamlining permitting efforts for a shorter time to construction.

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We supported a 6-mile natural gas utility line extension project with services such as wetland delineations and stream hydrologic determination reviews. Twenty-seven watercourses were crossed by the utility expansion. We also completed cultural resource surveys and endangered species assessments, helping to avoid impact on sensitive areas and lower mitigation costs. 

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Partnering for Compliance & Efficiency 

With decades of experience and a commitment to environmental stewardship, our skilled scientists help industries navigate complex regulations, streamlining permitting to achieve shorter time to construction and lower mitigation costs. Partner with us to simplify your compliance challenges and keep operations moving forward by avoiding impact and ensuring more efficient, cost-effective solutions. 
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Partner with Lord & Winter for compliance and efficiency.