Residential Subdivision Environmental Planning and Permitting in the Southeast U.S.

The residential development market is experiencing a period of robust growth in The Southeastern US, particularly Middle Tennessee and Nashville. With new residential units in high demand, the tasks of environmental planning and execution take center stage. Whether it's breathing new life into an urban brownfield or ushering in a suburban greenfield development, maintaining a rigorous construction schedule, and avoiding permitting delays are paramount.

Environmental Experience

With over a decade of experience navigating these complex terrains, Lord & Winter has an established reputation for excellence in environmental planning, natural resource studies, environmental permitting, and mitigation. Our approach is comprehensive and meticulous, rooted in a profound understanding of the multifaceted challenges and opportunities the sector presents.

We're proud to say that residential developers, civil engineering firms, and property owners trust us for our consistent, top-tier performance. Our team is composed of Project Management Professional (PMP) certified project managers, and are recognized experts in their respective specialties, boasting advanced research or certifications in areas such as wetlands, endangered species, stream hydrology, and macroinvertebrate identification.

Permitting and Compliance

At Lord & Winter, we provide an expert voice during environmental planning and conceptual design stages of land development projects. We draw upon our extensive knowledge of impact avoidance, permit thresholds, and expense mitigation to help our clients minimize the cost of compliance with state 401 Water Quality and Clean Water Act Section 404/10 Permitting.

Our practices in wetland delineation and stream hydrologic determinations stand out as some of the most efficient in the industry. This is made possible through our unwavering commitment to advanced data collection and automation, which allows our scientists to remain focused on troubleshooting your development projects.

Phase 1 & 2 ESA in just eight days - drilling for soil samples.

Wetland and Stream Mitigation

As a firm that specializes in environmental permitting, we offer mitigation services from a broad range of banks or fee programs, ensuring that our clients receive the most cost-effective mitigation possible. This contrasts sharply with providers who have in-house mitigation services and are often constrained by single-solution offerings.

Your trusted environmental partner

Perhaps the most compelling to contract with Lord & Winter is the high regard in which our work is held by state and federal agencies. We are repeatedly recognized as the gold standard for professionalism and deep knowledge about the environmental planning, permitting, and mitigation process.

When it comes to confronting the environmental challenges during residential development, Lord & Winter stands ready as your partner of choice. With our stellar reputation and results-driven approach, we are your ideal environmental services ally in the blossoming Southeastern US residential development sector.